Friday, December 28, 2012

Rejected Apple Products/Not Among The Successful

With Apple and Samsung Butting Heads starting patent was, so much of a insight on Apple's Design Process.What were some rejected and unaccepted Products that never came into being.
Well, here are products not among the successful listed by Hartmut Esslinger (and also in his future released book titled ‘Design Forward’)
Early Apple designs (image 001)


An unusual tablet-phone mix.
Didn't sell

Early Apple designs (image 004)BabyMac 
Harmut's “ticket for a voyage toward
a mysterious destination” .

Early Apple designs (image 003) 

Snow White (concept)
Harmut stated this one would “reconnecting high-tech 
design with classical american design statements”.

Apple IIC

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dreams Don't Come True

Many people have been "trolled" into the jailbreak hoax "dream jailbreak", which was "released"on the twelfth ( of December) and of course, Nothing Real.
It' be a populated List of  upset people, if there was one.
If you have not heard of this. It is a Fake Jailbreak. Period.
If You are a Person not to familiar with jailbreaking, than you might fall for this.
It looks Legitimate, For a Fake.

Also Their Twitter account @DreamJailbreak has Vanished with the wind. The WebSite has an interesting excuse: "DreamJB was intended as a Social Experiment" or not it was an "experiment", people are still disappointed.
It Had Everything but an vulnerability that has been exploited, and no CopyRights (FAIL)
Here are a few tweets from @NitoTV on Twitter: 

Remember, The real Jailbreaks Are Free, announced by Devs, and aren't malware.