iJBNews Team

This blog is here because certain people made it to be what it is now. People who wanted to make a method of ease to have reference to Jailbreaking, iOS, Apple, and everything to know about and around with The Jailbreaking community.
We also give gratitude to those who have Donated to us and those who have supported us.

iJBNews Team

Deronimo "iPwn4G" Ramirez (Amateur) iOS Hacker and Dj.
Creator and Administrator of the blog, He started the Blog
You can contact him through the site or
Keep up with him on Twitter
OR on his website

Tyler Yates
source tracking and resources.
Tyler finds out and sends out the
There wouldn't be much news without him.
He also Makes some of our icons.
He's Got a Thing for ukulele to!
check UkeTabz out
or his Twitter.

Jordan Parker
An awesome little guy who really is planning on becoming a Dev, "He is the future of jailbreaking"
Frequent Redditor.
Here's his Twitter.
Writer for the Blog.

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