Sunday, November 25, 2012

iOS: A New Design, Jonathan Ive-ified

Since Scott Forstall has left Apple,
Users and Apple fanatics have had the thought of a new iOS design stuck on their minds.

Rumors and envisions of new designs in iOS have already surfaced, with new features like: A new pop-up alert form style, app specific alerts, pop-up messaging
alerts notifications with more options (and sounds a lot like biteSMS's pop-up form), and so forth.

If I were to suggest more features to add to iOS, or even a new iPhone, I would tell them to look no further than the jailbreak community.

There are already many tweaks you could find in Cydia that sound a lot like the features mentioned above. It is one of the many professional and non-professional reasons to jailbreak your iDevice, they usually save you a lot of time and makes a convenient iDevice so much more convenient!

Many know there has not yet been an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6, only a tethered and semi-tethered jailbreak.

JBDevs are working on it though

P.S. I am researching vulnerabilities in iOS 6!


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